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박정구(朴正九) 교수

Park, Jung-Ku

주소인문대학 1동 410호
연락처(02) 880-6070

1. 기본 정보 

○ 박사학위논문: 漢語介詞硏究(國立淸華大學, 1997年)

○ 주요논문
  · <중국어 방언의 완정상·완료상·완성상 표지의 분포와 그의 언어유형론적 함의>,
  · <언어유형론적 관점에 입각한 기점표시 부치사의 의미지도 연구> 외 다수

○ 저역서: 고대중국어문법론(한국문화사), 표중중국어문법(한울) 외 다수

○ 주요경력
  · 전북대학교, 성균관대학교 교수
  · 하버드-엔칭연구소, 스탠포드대학교 동아연구소 방문학자
  · 한국중국언어학회 회장 등

2. 연구 업적



  · Linguistic Typology, Information Structure, Cognitive Grammar, Construction Grammar, Semantic Map Theory, Formal Syntactic Theory,       

    Chinese Syntax, Morphology and Prosody, Chinese Pedagogic Grammar


  · 2023.7.-present A Study on the Chinese Sentence Forms and Information Structure, Korea Research Foundation of Ministry of Education
  · 2021.7.-2023.12. A Study on the Constraints and Mechanism of Preverbal Multiple Argument Ordering in Chinese Using AI Deep-learning Model,      Korea Research Foundation of Ministry of Education

  · 2018.9.-2019.8. A Study on Functional Division of Chinese Aspect Markers from Information Structures Perspective, the Research Fund of Seoul        National University.

  · 2016.11-2018.10. A Study on the Mechanism of the Synchronic and Diachronic Variation of Aspect and Case Categories in Chinese – Based on 

    the Semantic Map Theory, Korea Research Foundation of Ministry of Education

  · 2014.5-2015.4. A Study on the Grammaticalization Paths of Aspect Markers toward Perfective in Chinese Dialects, the Research Fund of Seoul          National University

  · 2011.5-2014.4. A Study on Typological Change of Chinese and Its Mechanism – Focused on Morphological and Syntactic Changes and Language      Contacts, Korea Research Foundation of Ministry of Education

  · 2008.8-2009.7. A Study on Variations of Chinese Verbal Phrases from Perspective of Linguistic Evolution, Korea Research Foundation of Ministry      of Education

  · 2005.12- 2006.11. A Research on the Typical Properties of Chinese Parts of Speech with Functional and Alterable System by Analyzing ‘Qubieci’ ,      Korea Research Foundation of Ministry of Education

  · 2004.12- 2005.11. A Study on the Condition of Licensing the Predicative Function of Nominal Constituents in Chinese, Korea Research          

   Foundation of Ministry of Education

  · 2003.12- 2004.11 A Study on the Reform of the Curricula for Literature and Linguistics in the Faculty System for the Promotion of Students      

    Academic Ability, Korea Research Foundation of Ministry of Education

  · 2002.9 -2003.8 A Study on Chinese Sentence-Final Particles, Sungkyunkwan University

  · 2002.12- 2003.11 Research on Principles and Conditions of Argument Structure Setting and Argument Distribution of Complex Predicates     

    Composed with Directional Verbs, Korea Research Foundation of Ministry of Education

  · 2001.12- 2002.11. A Research on the Grammatical Relation between the Internal Structure of Words and Their Meaning and Function by 

    Comparative Analysis of Each Pairs of ‘AB’ and ‘BA’, Korea Research Foundation of Ministry of Education

  · 2000.12- 2002.11. Suggestions for Improvement of Web-based Chinese Teaching, Korea Research Foundation of Ministry of Education

  · 1999.12- 2000.11. Research on Synonyms in Modern Chinese, Korea Research Foundation of Ministry of Education

  · 1999.12- 2000.11. A Research on the Construction Ton-NP-VP in Chinese, Korea Research Foundation of Ministry of Education

  · 1998.12- 1999.11. The Principles and Conditions of Grammaticalization in Chinese, Korea Research Foundation of Ministry of Education





  · 2024. forthcoming. Chinese Grammar 15 Chapters: Seoul National University Press.

    (translated from Hanyu he Hanyu Yanjiu 15 Jiang, Lu & Shen(2016), Beijing University Press)
  · 2020. Classical Chinese Grammar, Seoul: Hankuk Press.

    (translated from Shanggu Hanyu Yufa Gangyao, Guang Mei(2015), Taipei: Sanmin Press)
  · 2015. Advanced Chinese V. Seoul: Darakwen Press.

  · 2012. Advanced Chinese VI. Seoul: Darakwen Press.

  · 2010. Chinese. Middle School Textbook, Seoul: Darakwon

  · 2010. Intermediate Chinese IV, Seoul: Darakwen Press.

  · 2009. Intermediate Chinese III, Seoul: Darakwen Press.

  · 2008. Basic Chinese II, Seoul: Darakwen Press.

  · 2008. Basic Chinese I, Seoul: Darakwen Press.

  · 2007. The Course of Research on Modern Chinese Grammar, Seoul: Hankuk Press, (translated from The Course of Research on Modern Chinese 

    Grammar, Jianming Lu(2005), Beijing University Press)

  · 2005. Modern Chinese Grammar, Seoul: Darakwen Press.

  · 2005. Dictionary of Chinese Synonyms, Seoul: Songsan Press (translated from Comparative Illustration of Common Chinese Words and 

    Expressions, Fubo Lu(2000), Beijing Language & Culture University Press).

  · 2005. Modern Chinese Grammar I & II, Seoul: Songsan Press, (co-translated from Practical Modern Chinese Grammr, Yuehua Liu(2001), Beijing: 

    Shangwu Press)

  · 2005. The Junior Course in Chinese, Seoul: Hangil Press.

  · 2005. Chinese Morphology, Seoul: Sinsung Press (translated from Chinese Morphology, Guanglei Chen(1994), Shanghai: Xuelin Press).

  · 2005. Chinese Pragmatics, Seoul: Sinsung Press, (translated from A Research on Pragmatics of Modern Chinese, Suolin Wen(2001), Beijing 

    Library Press)

  · 2002. Chinese Grammar & Writing, Seoul: Songsan Press, (translated from Analysis on Foreigner’s Errors in Chinese, Dazhong Li(1996), Beijing 

    Language & Culture University Press)

  · 2000. Chinese Writing, Korea National Open University Press.

  · 2000. Introduction to Chinese Linguistics, Korea National Open University Press.

  · 1999. Chinese Grammar, Seoul: Songsan Press, (co-translated from Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Fubo Lu(1996), Beijing Language & Culture 

    University Press)

  · 1998. Researches on Chinese Word Order (edited), Seoul: Songsan Press.

  · 1997. Chinese Language & Literature: Part II Chinese Linguistics, The National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea

  · 1997. A study on the Chinese Preposition, PhD dissertation, Taiwan: Tsinghua University

  · 1993. A Research on Chinese Verbs (edited), Hakgobang Press

  · 1989. Grammar of Mandarin Chinese, Seoul: Hanwul Press, (translated from Mandarin Chinese: A Functional Reference Grammar, Charles N. Li 

    and Sandra Thompson (1981), University of California Press)



  · 2024. A Study on Predicting the Word Order Acceptability of Chinese Sentence-Initial Multiple Arguments by Building a Neural Network     

    Language Model. Journal of Chinese Literature 118:161-189.

  · 2023. A Study on the Mechanism and the Hierarchy of Semantic Role Arrangement of Sentence-Initial Multiple Arguments Based on Word Order      Acceptability Data. Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 109:127-178.

  · 2023. A Study on Grammatical Constraints and Developmental Mechanism of the Modern Chinese Construction ‘S+hen+A+O’. Journal of       

    Chinese Linguistics in Korea 108:169-200.

  · 2023. A Study on the Constraints of Semantic Role Arrangement in Chinese Sentence-initial Multiple Argument Structure based on Data-Based 

    Analysis. Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 106:64-105.

  · 2023. Some Suggestions on Chinese Grammar Research from the Perspective of Linguistic Typology. Chinese Language Learning and 

    Technology 3:1-19.

  · 2022. A Study on the Information Structure of Ambiguous Sentence with Adverbs ‘Jiu’, ‘Cai’, ‘Dou’ and ‘Ye’ in Mandarin Chinese. Chinese     

    Studies  101:55-85.

  · 2022. A Study on Information Structure of the Copular Construction with an Omitted Argument. Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea


  · 2021 The Development of Categorial Properties of the Actuality Adverbs ‘ZHEN(真)’ and ‘ZHENDE(真的)’ in Chinese and Its Mechanism from    

    Linguistic Typological Perspective. Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 95:195-222.

  · 2020. The Distributions of Perfective, Perfect and Completive Aspect Markers in Chinese Dialects and Its Typological Implications. Journal of 

    Chinese Linguistics in Korea 87:219-258.

  · 2019. A Study on Variations of Resultative/Progressive Aspect Markers in Chinese Dialects and their Developmental Mechanism from Linguistic 

    Typological Perspective. Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 75:87-114.

  · 2018. A Study on Variations of Progressive Markers in Chinese Dialects and their Developmental Mechanism from Linguistic Typological 

    Perspective. Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 74:53-82.

  · 2017. A Study on Semantic Maps of Source-related Adpositions. Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 71:109-158.

  · 2016. A Study on the Information Structure of Adjective Predicate from Typological Prospective(从类型学视角看汉语形容词谓语句得信息结构). 

    Zhongguo Yuwen(中国语文) 373-4: 387-396

  · 2016. A Study on the Typological Properties of Chinese Aspect System. Journal of the Korea Society for Chinese Studies 77:87-110.

  · 2015. A Study on Properties of the Structure ‘V-de-ge’ and its Status in Chinese Resultative Constructions. Journal of Chinese Linguistics in 

    Korea 61:193-216.

  · 2015. A Study on Chinese Typological Change and its Development of Grammatical System. The Society of Japanese Language and Literature 


  · 2015. A Study on the Development of the Construction ‘Yi-Cl-Adj’ and Its Mechanism. Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 61:147-167.

  · 2014. A Diachronic Study on the Chinese Ditransitive Construction – ‘V+P{Gei/Yu} +OR+OT’. Language & Information Society 21:113-134.

  · 2013. A Diachronic Study on Development of Negator ‘Mei’ from typological prospective. Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 44

  · 2012. A Study on the Emergence of Classifiers in Chinese Oracle Bone Scripts. Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 40.

  · 2012. A Study on Development of Chinese Classifiers and its Relationship with Korean with Typological Prospective. Korean 63

  · 2011. A Study on Condition of Causative Construction ‘AO’ Attaching Aspect Markers. Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 50

  · 2011. A Study on Variations of Chinese Verbal Phrase from Linguistic Change Prospective. Journal of Chinese Literature 65

  · 2010. A Study on Chinese Adjective’s Status in Word Class system from Typological Prospective, Journal of Chinese Literature 65

  · 2010. Review of 《Standard Negation》. Morphology12:

  · 2010. A Functional and Dynamic Study on Chinese Word Class System by analyzing ‘Qubieci’. Journal of Chinese Literature 62:

  · 2009. A Study on Lexical Properties of Chinese Neologisms with Meanings Related to Economy. Journal of Chinese Literature Studies 39

  · 2008. A Study on the Structure and Funcions of the Construction ‘V{Wang/Xiang}’ in Mandarin. Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 26:

  · 2007. A Study on Licensing Condition of Nominal Predicates. Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 25:

  · 2007. A Discussion on Methodology of Researching Chinese Grammar, Journal of Chinese Literature 52

  · 2006. Retrospect and Prospect of Researches on Chinese Word Typology, Journal of the Korea Society of Chinese Studies 54: 37-64.

  · 2006. The Distribution Category of Chinese Prepositional Phrases and Their Grammatical Conditions, Journal of Shaoxing University 

    26-3: 57-61, China.

  · 2006. A Comparative Research between Korean and Chinese and Its Application to Chinese Teaching, Chinese Teaching and Studies 3: 42-52.

  · 2005. A Study on Multi-aspect of distribution of “Cong-PP” in Chinese Sentences and Its Grammatical Condition, Journal of the Korea Society 

    for Chinese Studies 51: 3-25.

  · 2005. The Grammatical Properties of Noun Predicates in Chinese and Its Teaching, The Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 37: 135-149.

  · 2004. Modal Particle’s Function, System and Its Teaching, Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 35: 63-82.

  · 2004. Research on Principles and Conditions of Argument Structure Setting and Argument Distribution of Complex Predicates Composed with 

    Directional Verbs, Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 19: 167-200.

  · 2003. Chinse Grammar Theory and Chinese Teaching, Duiwai Hanyu Jiaoxue Yufa Tansuo: 79-89, Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Press.

  · 2003. Present Conditions and Problems of Chinese Linguistics Education, Journal of Chinese Literature 40: 319-331.

  · 2003. Suggestions for Improvement of Web-based Chinese Teaching, Journal of the Korea Society for Chinese Studies 47:133-151.

  · 2003. A Study on the Dual System of Verb-Complement Forms, Journal of the Korea Society for Chinese Studies 41: 91-109.

  · 2003. A Research on the Grammatical Relation between the Internal Structure of Words and Their Meaning and Function by Comparative 

    Analysis of Each Pairs of ‘AB’ and ‘BA’, Journal of Chinese Literature 39: 303-333.

  · 2002. On the Selection of Primary Vocabulary in Chinese, Chinese Studies 19: 1-27.

  · 2002. Analysis on Distributional Properties of Prepositional Phrases in Modern Chinese, The Journal of Chinese Literature 24: 543-557.

  · 2001. Theory and Teaching of Chinese Grammar, Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 12: 29-42.

  · 2001. Research on Synonyms in Modern Chinese, Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 12: 67-102.

  · 2001. A research on the construction Tow-NP-VP, Journal of Chinese Literature35: 362- 375.

  · 2000. The Principle and Conditions of Chinise Grammaticalization, Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 10: 42-80.

  · 1998. Reconsideration of Classifying Complements in Modern Chinese, Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 7: 109-122.

  · 1998. Internal Structure and External Function on Verb-Complement Compounds in Chinese, The Society of Chinese Humanity 17: 75-93.

  · 1998. A Research on Prepositions in Chinese, Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 5: 349-376.

  · 1997. A study on the Construction Dao-NY-Lai/Qu, Journal of Chinese Literature 5: 271-286.

  · 1996. Pivotal Structure and Preposition Structure, Journal of Chinese Literature 25: 385-400.

  · 1996. Modals in Chinese, Journal of Chinese Literature 26: 391-403.

  · 1996. Analysis on the Structure ‘ V-(NP)-P-NP’ in Modern Chinese, Journal of Chinese Literature 23: 345-361.

  · 1996, A Study on the Usage and Syntactic Property of GEI, Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 3: 81-110.

  · 1995. Distributive Relation between Preposition Phrases and the Negative Adverb BU, Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 24: 455-464.

  · 2023. “A Study on Variations of Resultative and Progressive Aspect Markers in Chinese Dialects from Linguistic Typological Perspective”, Invited      talk in Zhejiang University

  · 2023. “‘Wo jiu shi’ or ‘Jiu shi wo’”, Invited talk in Huadong Shifan University

  · 2023. “Information Structure Theory’s Approach to Chinese Grammar” Invited talk in Fudan University

  · 2023. “Semantic Maps of Multi-functional Prepositions of Chinese Dialects”, Invited talk in Shanghai Waiguoyu University

  · 2023. “Typological Approach to Chinese Grammar”, Invited talk in Guangxi Minzu University

  · 2023. “Typological Approach to Subject and Topic”, Invited talk in Shanghai Waiguoyu University

  · 2023. “Typological Approach to Perfective, Perfect and Completive Aspect in Chinese Dialects”, Invited talk in Shanghai Shifan University

  · 2023. “Typological Approach to the Actuality Adverbs in Mandarin Chinese”, Zhejiang University

  · 2023. “AI-Based Analysis of the Ordering of Sentence-initial Multiple Arguments and Its Mechanism, Invited talk in Fudan University

  · 2023. “Information Structure Approach to Chinese Teaching”, Taiwan Normal University

  · 2022. “Comparative Analysis of Chinese and Korean Grammar from Perspective of Information Structure”, Invited talk in Chungbuk University

  · 2022. “How to Study Chinese Grammar in Korea?” Keynote Speech, the Conference of Chinese Linguistic Society in Korea

  · 2022. “Information Structure Approach to Copula Construction of Mandarin Chinese”, Invited talk, Shanghai Shifan University

  · 2021. “The Semantic Development of Chinese Actuality Adverbs in a Typological Perspective”, Invited talk, Asian Languages and Linguistcs      

  · 2021  International Roundtable Forum of Asian Languages, Center for Linguistic Sciences of Beijing Normal University

  · 2021. “Typological Approach to ZHEN and ZHENDE in Chinese”, The 5th International Symposium on Linguistic Typology, Invited talk, Institute 

    of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Beijing Normal University

  · 2021. “Universal and Specific Properties in Chinese and Korean Information Structure”, Invited talk, Shanghai Waiguoyu University

  · 2021. “Some Proposals about Typological Approach to Chinese Grammar”, Invited talk, Chinese Linguistic School, Korea Society of Chinese     


  · 2021. “Information Structure Approach to Some Topics from the Linguistic Phenomena of Chinese and Korean Language”, Invited talk, Korea 

    Society of Linguistic Typology

  · 2021. “Semantic Map Approach to Multi-functional Prepositions with Source Meaning”, Invited talk, Taiwan University

  · 2020. “On the Typology of Subject and Topic”, Invited Talk at Department of Chinese Literature & Language, Invited talk in Zhejiang University

  · 2020. “Chinese Sentence Form and Information Structure”, Invited talk, Guangxi Minzu University

  · 2020. “Chinese Multi-Funtional Actuality Adverbs”, Invited talk, the 9th Hanyu Xuci Yanjiu yu Duiwai Hanyu Jiaoxue Guoji Xueshu Yantaohui, 

    Ningbo University

  · 2020. “Typological Approach to Subject and Topic”, Society of Science and Philosophy, Dongkuk University

  · 2020. “Harmony between Chinese form and meaning, and its semantic projection”, Korea Society of Chinese Language and Literature, Busan

  · 2019. “Variations of Resultative/Progressive Aspect Markers in Chinese Dialects and their Developmental Mechanism”. Invited talk in the 

    Institute of Asian Studies, Stanford University

  · 2019. “The Type of Distribution of Perfective and Perfect Aspect in Chinese and Its Typological Implication”, Keynote Speech, the 4th Yuyan 

    Leixingxue Guoji Xueshu Yantaohui, Renmin University

  · 2019. “The Type of Aspects of Chinese Dialects and Its Typological Implication”, Keynote Speech, Taiwan Normal University

  · 2019. “The Distribution of Perfective and Perfect Aspect Markers and their Aspectual Relation”, Korea Society of Chinese Linguistics

  · 2019. “A Study on Aspect Markers in Chinese Dialects from Linguistic Typological Perspective”, Frontier Forum on Language Teaching and 

    Linguistics Studies 40thAnniversary of Language Teaching and Linguistics Studies, Beijing Yuyan University

  · 2019. “Variations of Resultative/Progressive Aspect Markers in Chinese Dialects and the Mechanism of their Development from Linguistic 

    Typological Perspective”, The meeting of the editorial board of Asian Languages and Linguistics 2019 International Roundtable Forum of Asian      Languages, Beijing Normal University

  · 2018. “The Distribution of Progressive and Continuous Aspect in Chinese Dialects and the Mechanism of Its Development”, The 26th Annual 

    Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Wisconsin University

  · 2018. “Sentence Form and Function Words’ Function from Perspective of Information Structure”, Invited talk, the 26th IACL, Wisconsin     


  · 2018. “Types and Functional Differentiation of Aspect Markers of Chinese Dialects Equivalent to “LE” in Mandarin”, Hanyu Fangyan Yufa 

    Leixingxue Yantaohui, Fudan University

  · 2018. “Typological Approach to Aspect Markers in Chinese Dialects from Perspective of Linguistic Typology, Korea Society of Chinese      

    Linguistics, Seoul National University

  · 2017. “Prosodic Affect to Information Structure in Chinese”, Invited Talk at The 9th International Conference on Contemporary Chinese 

    Grammar (ICCCG-9), Seoul, Korea

  · 2017. “Chinese Diachronic Syntactic Variations and Its Evolution Mechanism with Typological Perspective, Korea-China Humanities Forum, 

    Seoul, Korea

  · 2017. “A Study on Semantic Map of Adpositions in Chinese Dialects with Typological Prospective”, Invited Talk at The 3rd International 

    Conference of Linguistics Typology, Shanghai, China

  · 2017. “Information Structure and Chinese Grammar”, Invited Lecture, Nanjing University, China

  · 2016. “Syntactic Variations in Chinese Grammar”, International Conference of Chinese Language and Literature, Seoul, Korea

  · 2016. “The Information Structure of Ambiquous Sentence with Adverbs in Chinese and Its Teaching”, Invited Talk at The 7th Conference of 

    Study of Modern Chinese Functional Words and Its Teaching, Shanghai, China

  · 2016. “Aspect System and Its Grammaticalization in Chinese from Typological Prospective”, Invited Talk at The International Conference of 

    Japanese Language and Literature, Seoul, Korea

  · 2015.”The Development of The Construction ‘Numeral+Classifier+Adjective’ in Chinese”, The Annual International Conference of International 

    Association of Chinese Linguistics, Seoul, Korea

  · 2015. “The Status of the Construction ‘Vde-ge-C’ within the Verb-Complement System in Chinese”, The Annual International Conference of     

     International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Seoul, Korea

  · 2015. “Application of Information Structure to Chinese Teaching”, The International Conference of Chinese Society of Korea, Pusan, Korea

  · 2015. “The Information Structure of Adjective Predicate Sentence”, Invited Talk at The 2nd International Conference of Linguistic Typology,    

    Nanchang, China

  · 2014. “Diachronic Development of the Chinese Negative ‘Mei’ from a Typological Perspective”, Invited Talk at The International Conference of     

    Linguistic Description and Explanation, Shanghai, China

  · 2014. “Grammatical Variations and Its Status in Chinese Grammatical System”, The 4th International Conference of Chinese Rhetorics, Seoul,    


  · 2013. “Problem-Based Learning in Teaching Chinese Language and Literature”, Conference of Society of Chinese Language and Literature,    


  · 2012. “The Mechanism of Diachronic Development of the Chinese Negative ‘Mei’”, The International Conference of Korea Society of Chinese 

    Language and Literature, Seoul, Korea

  · 2012. “The Diachronic Variations of Chinese Perfect-Negator from Linguistic Typology Prospective”, The Conference of Chinese Typology, Seoul, 


  · 2012. “Chinese Structural Change and Grammaticalization”, Invited Lecture at Fudan University, Shanghai, Korea

  · 2012. Grammaticalization of Adpositions and Word Order in Chinese from Typological Perspective, The Conference of Linguistic Typology, 

    Seoul, Korea

  · 2011. “The Restriction of Attaching Aspect Markers to ‘AO’”, The International Conference of Chinese Language and Literature, Seoul, Korea

  · 2011. “Linguistic Typology of Classifiers”, The 38th Conference of the Korean Linguistic Society

  · 2011. “The Restrictions on Attaching Aspect Markers to the Construction ‘Adjective + Object’”, The 19th Annual Conference of the International 

    Association of Chinese Linguistics

  · 2011. “The Emergence and Evolution of Chinese Classifiers in Oracle Bone Scripts”, The 19th Annual Conference of the International     

    Association of Chinese Linguistics

  · 2010. “The Status of Adjectives in Chinese from Typological Perspective”, The Conference of Linguistic Typology in Korea

  · 2008. “The Restriction to Combine Verb with Prepositions ‘WANG/XIANG’ in Chinese”, The International Conference of Korea Society of Chinese 


  · 2007. “How Should Koreans Research Chinese Grammar?”, The Annual Conference of Korea Society of Chinese Language and Literature

  · 2006. “The Distribution of Chinese Prepositional Phrases and Their Grammatical Conditions”, Hanyu Yuyanxue Yantaohui, Shaoxing, China

  · 2006. “A Comparative Research between Korean and Chinese and Its Application to Chinese Teaching, International Conference of Chinese     

    Teaching”, International Conference for Chinese Teaching, Seoul, Korea

  · 2006. “The Distribution of Chinese Preposition and Its Teaching”, guest lecture, Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, 

    Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan

  · 2005. “The Grammatical Properties of Noun Predicates in Chinsese and Its Teaching”, International Conference for Teaching Chinese (Shijie 

    Hanyu Jiaoxue Yantaohui), Beijing, China

  · 2004. “Sentence-Final Particle’s System and Function”, Conference for Chinese Literature and Linguistics, Daegu, Korea

  · 2004. “Sentence-Final Particle’s Function, System and Its Teaching”, Zhongguo yu Zhoubian Guojia Jiaoxue Jiaoliu ji Hanyu Jiaoxue Yantaohui,      Jinan, China.

  · 2004. “Distributions of Object in Directional Verbal Structure”, Conference for Chinese Linguistics, The Chinese Linguistic Society of Korea,    

    Chungju, Korea

  · 2003. “Two kinds of VR constructions”, Conference for Chinese Literature and Linguistics, Daejeon, Korea

  · 2003. “Present Conditions and Problems of Chinese Linguistics and Education”, Conference for Korea Chinese Literature and Linguistics, Korea

  · 2003. “Compative Analysis of AB type words and BA type words”, Conference for Chinese Linguistics, The Chinese Linguistic Society of Korea, 

    Seoul, Korea

  · 2003. “Aspect in Modern Chinese”, Chinese Society. Conference for Chinese Literature and Linguistics, Society of Chinese Language and 

    Literature, Seoul, Korea

  · 2000. The Classification of Chinese V-R construction” International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Singapore.

  · 2000. “The Distribution of Chinese Preposition and Its Teaching”, Conference for Chinese Teaching, Yenji, China

  · 2000. “Chinse Grammar Theory and Chinese Teaching”, Duiwai Hanyu Yufa Jiaoxue Yantaohui, Beijing, China

  · 1999. “The Dao-NP-{lai/qu} Construction”, Annual International Conference of Chinese Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan.

  · 1994. “A Study on Comparative Sentences in Chinese”, World Chinese Language Association, Taipei, Taiwan.   주요경력